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World’s Best
RO Water Purifiers

Aqua X-pure is the next level in RO water purifiers, guaranteeing 100% pure water by combining RO+UV+UF+TDS Control to eliminate harmful dissolved impurities. It's loaded with innovations like a digital display showing water purity, filter life, and RO flow rate. Plus, it retains essential minerals, has UV LED light in the storage tank, and boasts zero water wastage technology. All these features elevate Aqua X-pure's RO water purifiers, ensuring efficiency and top-notch performance.
  • Multi-Stage Filtration
  • TDS Control
  • Innovative Features
  • Retention of Essential Minerals
  • UV LED Technology

Why use RO Water Purifiers?

Drinking impure water has harmful effects on your health, as it acts like a slow poison, causing routine illness like Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Tuberculosis and even diseases like Cancer. More than 37.7 million Indians are affected by water borne diseases annually, with over 1.5 million children are estimated to die of Diarrhea alone. More than 80% of stomach diseases in India are caused by polluted water.

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